Mästerkatten is based on the Brothers Grimm's fairytale The Puss in Boots.
...they mime, sing, dance; all in an acrobat-like quick pace. They practically fly onstage. And they play it all: King, wizard, guardians, horses, lion, mice and the main character, the proudest, smartest and perhaps vilest of them all: The Puss in boots. But the superior trio doesn't stop there. They are the props too: Doors, roofs, the castle of the king. Only three jesters are onstage, but they create a whole world with exterior and interior imagination. This is physical theatre at its best.
Mats Linstrøm from Dala-Demokraten Newspaper. Sweden.
Mästerkatten has been performed more than 500 times for more than 50 000 spectators in Skandinavia becoming the second-most performed theatre production in Norway in 2008.
Directed by Torgunn Wold
Performed by Anders Sanzén, Bo Platzack and Torgunn Wold.
Produced by Torgunn Produksjoner
Video: Paulo Serantes